



Mia Diaz has a bubbling personality and is as sweet as sugar. She is a former dancer on the hot television show, Dance Mom’s Miami. Mia has referenced her DivaDolly as her “bedroom on wheels” and is a dedicated fan and proud owner of the pink DivaDolly. She is obsessed with her vanity, closet and dresser in one that comes in her favorite color! As a traveling dancer and actress, Mia Diaz is Wowed by her DivaDolly and has never seen anything out there that holds as much! What are some of the unique belongings that Mia keeps in her DivaDolly? Her phone, a sewing kit, BandAids, toothpaste, gel, nail polish remover, an umbrella, her sneakers, her stretching equipment, costumes, hair products & the list goes on and on. She is so excited about her DivaDolly that she posted a thorough DivaDolly tutorial on her YouTube channel. Click the photo of Mia or click here to watch her demo the DivaDolly at home.



Abigail Miller won her very own DivaDolly after entering into the Rising Talent Magazine’s contest. Abigail has proven herself as a Rising Star as she’s achieved numerous dance awards and scholarships in addition to her modeling and theatre performances. Abigail isn’t shy about how much she loves traveling with her DivaDolly. She loves its easy assembly and is so excited to fit her 9 costumes in addition to all of her other essentials. Abigail is in love with its “strong rack”. She pronounces that DivaDolly “makes her dance life so much easier”. Abigail continues to share and post about her DivaDolly experience and how DivaDolly is “a fierce and organized way to travel!” Click the photo of Abigail or click here to watch her demo her DivaDolly at home.

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